About Us

TWINKLE TWINKLE 创立于2013年, 是专为儿童与青少年所成立的专属美妆购物平台. 旗下代理欧美追求植物草本成分的儿童彩妆, 儿童指甲油, 儿童美发, 儿童脸部护肤与身体沐浴产品等产品。
Twinkle Twinkle is a store of organic beauty products specifically designed for toddlers to young adults. Since 2013, we carry Kids natural mineral cosmetic, nail polishes, hair product, facial product and body care from all over the world.
Twinkle Twinkle began from our simple belief that every child is a star, and shines brightly in her unique way. But we also believe that beauty needs cultivation just like a diamond needs to be polished before it can truly shine. We have spend hours searching the world for the best natural and organic products for our children. It is our sincerest hope that through the correct usage and attitude of safe, healthy, and organic beauty products our children will grow and learn about themselves as well as building the correct foundation for their body care.
We pride ourselves in the quality of the products that we carry, but we also hope that through the understanding and interaction of these products, parents may instill the correct values about beauty and the following values to their children:
Family comes First
We encourage parents to use our products to educate and interact with our children in a fun and loving way. Not only does this help in growing family relationships, it also gives our children healthy and interesting subjects to discuss with their friends!
Kids that give are the happiest
We at Twinkle Twinkle believe strongly in social responsibilities, it is one of our core values. We hope our children may learn the value and happiness of giving to those in need. Twinkle Twinkle regularly donates products to non profit organizations that focus on children. So every time you buy something from us, the love is shared with someone else in need. Our products use sustainable and bio degradable packaging and do not include any harmful chemicals. As a socially responsible enterprise, sustainability is one of our biggest concerns. We must do all we can in protecting our earth.
Happy girls are the prettiest
Audrey Hepburn once said, "Happy girls are the prettiest" Her statement perfectly explains that beauty is not just about the exterior but can only be completed with the right attitude and thinking. Our mind effects our body in tremendous ways. That's why we believe that beauty education should start young, and must be based on internal values like family, giving, self encouragement, and confidence. These are the basic values that bring happiness to oneself, and when we are happy, we are beautiful.
Please join us and enjoy our most natural products with your little ones!