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8月單筆訂單滿$1200即送 TOOFRUIT拉繩防水袋一只

美國 KLEE KIDS 兒童彩妝組

Children's mineral Play Make-up

Luna Star Klee kids has a variety of children's makeup gift sets, make children happy and beautiful! Children's mineral makeup from the United States is suitable for girls over three years old to play beautiful dress up, participate in parties or during performances. It doesn't stimulate children's delicate , theme based makeup sets , you can find the perfect theme for each child.
No added preservatives, talcum powder, wheat bran, artificial coloring and artificial flavor, easily removed with children's facial cleanser or warm water

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19 products


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Sweet Cherry Pop Duo Set Sale price$750
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Marshmallow Blush Set Sale price$750
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Unicorn Cloud makeup set Sale price$1,850
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