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Article: Why do children need care too?


Why do children need care too?

Children also need skin care products? In fact, facial maintenance is as important to children as brushing their teeth!

As the air pollution becomes more and more serious, when dust and sweat remain on children's faces without washing them off, it is easy to cause early clogged pores and skin problems such as unbalanced oil and moisture. Young and delicate skin is more sensitive If you can't afford the stimulation of chemical substances and biochemical essences contained in adult skin care products, you must use skin care products made of natural plant ingredients, so that they can be fully absorbed by the skin, but do not cause excess burden on the skin, and maintain normal oil-water balance!

The Peachface sweet girl series from Australia is a natural skin care product designed for children over 5 years old. They all use Australian ACO organic certified ingredients, do not contain chemical additives, preservatives, surfactants and artificial flavors and fragrances, with mild lavender With citrus essential oil as the key ingredient, it is moisturizing and has a delicate fragrance. The lavender essential oil can also soothe the child's skin after being stimulated by the sun and sweat all day. The cute bottle design allows children to have their own skin care products.

Peachface encourages mothers and children to take care of themselves every day. Foreign child psychology studies have pointed out that through regular daily cleaning and maintenance habits, children can build a sense of responsibility and self-confidence from an early age, and be better at understanding themselves. Before the onset of puberty, lay a good skin foundation, beautiful and confident through puberty!